Sunday, January 2, 2011

day two

Our friend, Haley, brought this lollipop back for the kids from her home in Texas. It's got a scorpion inside it!

New Year! (day 1)

The new computer is up and running, so here's to a new year and a new photo count. Sadly, the only photo I took yesterday was for craigslist, which is a rather weak start, but I'm excited for all the photos to come. I'm planning to go for 60 days of photos and take stock after that.

Christmas highlights

These are a few of my favorite shots from the Christmas season.

Friday, December 17, 2010

brief pause

Our new computer arrived today, which means that we will be offline photo-wise until Chris gets it up and running. I have no idea how long it will take, but I will be posting again as soon as I learn the new software.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

day sixty-three

We got a bit of snow today and instead of bothering to go out back and look for the sleds, Emma just grabbed Lydia's raincoat to slide down the hill.